PharmGKB and CPIC partnered with ClinGen last summer to bring curated pharmacogenomics (PGx) to the resource which defines the clinical relevance of genes and variants in the human genome. A new Pharmacogenomics column has been added to ClinGen’s curated gene categories. 130 PGx genes curated by PharmGKB and/or CPIC are now listed on the ClinGen website with links back to the PharmGKB and CPIC websites for more detailed information.

ClinGen displays all gene-drug pairs from PharmGKB with Level 1 & 2 Clinical Annotations along with (1) a link to the relevant PharmGKB drug page, (2) the highest annotation level for the gene-drug pair (linked to the explanation of PharmGKB’s Levels of Evidence), (3) the date of the last update and (4) a link to view all PharmGKB Clinical Annotations for that gene-drug pair.

ClinGen also displays all CPIC gene-drug pairs with levels A-D. Where applicable, these are grouped by CPIC guideline with (1) a link to the CPIC guideline page and (2) gene-drug pairs list page. Gene-drug pairs with provisional CPIC levels (i.e. those awaiting further evaluation and potentially guideline development) link to the gene-drug pairs list page.